Our Principles for Sustainability
The GROHE brand stands for quality, technology, design and sustainability. Thus sustainability also means responsibility – responsibility towards people and the environment. The various aspects of responsibility range from energy-saving technologies and production processes to resource efficiency, customer service and social and societal responsibility.
Therefore environmental protection and resource conservation as well as occupational health and safety requirements are integral and important components of our business strategy.
Compliance with legal regulations and official requirements is thus a clear commitment for the company.
GROHE goes much further and always strives to continually improve its products, as well as its processes and its service, especially in the areas of environmental protection and resource conservation as well as occupational health and safety requirements.
We provide the necessary information and resources for this.
These principles and guidelines for sustainability form the framework for strategic and operative objectives and apply to all colleagues in all production plants, central offices and subsidiary companies worldwide.
Managerial staff carry a special responsibility. As role models they contribute to colleagues’ better understanding of environmental protection and resource conservation as well as occupational health and safety requirements and anchoring this in the corporate culture.
Our Guidelines for Sustainability
Our PRODUCTS should allow a responsible and safe consumption of the resources water and energy by the user. Over and above this the entire product life cycle is considered at the design and development stage to create safe products with economical use of resources and for a long service life.
It is our goal to make our PROCESSES such that they fulfil in the best way possible the demands of the environment, resource efficiency, occupational health and safety requirements while considering economic factors. Present and planned processes are therefore systematically analysed with regard to their effects on the environment, use of resources, occupational health and safety, in order to minimise potential stresses.
Moreover, we take selected measures to prevent accidents to ensure a high level of safety for man and the environment.
Our EMPLOYEES are regularly informed and trained on environmental protection and resource conservation, as well as occupational health and safety requirements. Additionally, we promote colleagues’ initiatives, which lead to improvements in these areas.
We take our CUSTOMERS’ environmental protection and resource conservation as well as occupational health and safety requirements into account and provide support for relevant issues.
We see our SUPPLIERS and SERVICE PROVIDERS as partners; equally in the areas of environmental protection and resource conservation and occupational health and safety requirements. Improvement measures in these areas are demanded and promoted by us.
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY is an important element of our sustainability strategy. Therefore, we maintain an open and constructive dialogue with the public concerned and promote activities and measures which contribute to environmental protection and resource conservation as well as the improvement of occupational safety and health.
Düsseldorf, May 2016
The Board of Directors

B.A.U.M.-Code of Conduct for Sustainable Business
Since 2016 GROHE has been an active member of B.A.U.M..
The German Environmental Management Association is one of the largest corporate and information networks for sustainable business in Europe.
Being a member of the B.A.U.M. circle of supporters, we align with the B.A.U.M. code of conduct for sustainable business and promote its implementation:
Responsibility for Sustainable Business
Our entrepreneurial behavior complies with the key principles of a sustainable economic system, meaning an economically, ecologically, and socially acceptable way of doing business. Enterprises are integral components of a global, social, and ecological system. As such, we are responsible for the future of our planet, its societies and nature. Our company guidelines and goals integrate sustainability. Realizing sustainable business practices is a continuous process and is a high priority on all levels and in all parts of our company, exceeding legal minimum requirements.
Responsibility for Nature
Our company’s conduct is responsible, in particular, for preserving global natural livelihood and for using resources responsibly. We would like to avoid straining the environment as much as possible and we would like to preserve biodiversity. Continuously working on improving the sustainability of our products, services, and processes is a core part of our behavior. We try to use natural resources and materials as efficiently as possible. When doing so, we pay attention to the entire value chain, including the usage and the waste products at the end of their service life. We intend to use materials in circular flows whenever possible. Our suppliers and clients are included in this process.
Responsibility for Society
We are responsible for our employees, and our cultural and societal community. We advocate for complying with human rights and fair working conditions, not only for our own but also for our suppliers‘ staff. We are against child labor and all other forms of exploitation and corruption. We promote and engage in diversity in all areas of society.
Responsibility for Future Generations
Our conduct follows the principles of avoiding current, possible, and presumable risks for the environment and society. We aim to actively support and guide our future by using the multiple opportunities of sustainable business.
Responsibility for Transparency
We regularly produce extensive and transparent reports for internal and external use about the status of sustainability within our company. These reports cover progress, challenges, and goals, as well as necessary measures for improvement. We are open to dialogue with all stakeholders, provide relevant information about sustainability to the media, and work with authorities, associations, and other relevant institutions.
Responsibility for Nature
Our company’s conduct is responsible, in particular, for preserving global natural livelihood and for using resources responsibly. We would like to avoid straining the environment as much as possible and we would like to preserve biodiversity. Continuously working on improving the sustainability of our products, services, and processes is a core part of our behavior. We try to use natural resources and materials as efficiently as possible. When doing so, we pay attention to the entire value chain, including the usage and the waste products at the end of their service life. We intend to use materials in circular flows whenever possible. Our suppliers and clients are included in this process.
Responsibility for Society
We are responsible for our employees, and our cultural and societal community. We advocate for complying with human rights and fair working conditions, not only for our own but also for our suppliers‘ staff. We are against child labor and all other forms of exploitation and corruption. We promote and engage in diversity in all areas of society.
Responsibility for Future Generations
Our conduct follows the principles of avoiding current, possible, and presumable risks for the environment and society. We aim to actively support and guide our future by using the multiple opportunities of sustainable business.
Responsibility for Transparency
We regularly produce extensive and transparent reports for internal and external use about the status of sustainability within our company. These reports cover progress, challenges, and goals, as well as necessary measures for improvement. We are open to dialogue with all stakeholders, provide relevant information about sustainability to the media, and work with authorities, associations, and other relevant institutions.